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Why this Journal?

Electronic publishing is changing the ways linguistics and literature analysis are going on. It will change the ways Slavic Studies are going, too. The new media raises new chalenges, new methods of work, new types of reading, and re-thinking resources.

Littera et Lingua, an Electronic Journal of Humanities is for the thoughtful humanitarian, librarian, scholar, or author facing those challenges. We aim to help developing your courage to publish your research in Slavic Studies in electronic way, therefore providing one more opprotunity to discuss and share opinions, publish sources and analyses, mention, annote or review the recent papers, books, journals.

LiLi is thought as a testbed for new publishing ideas and it faces all the problems and success electronic publishing do. We hope to deal with both successes, and failures with you, our readers.

So join us, read Littera et Lingua and let us know what you think — and above all, share your ideas with us. We want LiLi to be truly useful for the Slavic Studies community.


In one thing we believe: that LiLi will not appear in traditional hard copy form. ...Ever